Volunteering opportunity in Lipik #2
ESC volunteering in the Centre for offering social services to the community of Lipik Here you can find the info pack for the volunteering opportunity
Ocean Znanja is an organization that, through the European Solidarity Corps program, coordinates volunteers for other organizations in Croatia.
We are doing this because not all organizations / institutions have enough resources (human, time and knowledge) to get involved in the European Solidarity Force program in a quality manner.
We include organizations that have an irreplaceable influence in the local communities in which they operate and this is one of the ways we build the capacity of civil society organizations and institutions that work for the benefit of communities.
Our associates are:
Udruga Eat Different
Centar za pružanje usluga u zajednici Lipik
Udruga Pomoć u kući starijim i nemoćnim osobama Lipik
ESC volunteering in the Centre for offering social services to the community of Lipik Here you can find the info pack for the volunteering opportunity
ESC volunteering in the association “Help at home” for the elderly of Lipik Here you can find the info pack for the volunteering opportunity in