One of the oldest activities of Ocean Znanja which involves signing partnerships with a network of our international partners and sending young people and people working with youth as representatives of Ocean Znanja to free international education courses across Europe and the Caribbean. As part of the Erasmus + program, we send young people and experts to youth exchanges or trainings lasting an average of 7-10 days.

In addition, we organize and implement international projects in Croatia. We organize youth exchanges and training courses that host between 36-49 young people or people working with youth. The locations we use for these activities are the Omanovac Mountain Lodge, the Dr. Franjo Tuđman Student Dormitory in Požega, and the Panorama Hotel in Prelog. In the past, we have organized projects in Starigrad on the island of Hvar, Fužine, Lipik and Zagreb.



PATH – Evaluation Greece, Athens, 26.05-30.05. 2017 PATH project that took place in Athens providing us with four days workshops and association with members from


TC ”Guerilla Youthwork”

May 14th – May 22nd 2017, Braunlage, Germany Four participants from Croatia participated in the Erasmus+ training course named „Guerilla Youthwork“ from 14-22 May 2017 in Braunlage,


K3 ‘PATH’ Press release

Prevention, Addictions & Therapy – PATh: an European collaboration under the supervision of KETHEA – Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals. Its title also brings a


Ocean Znanja u Republici Hrvatskoj, Adresa sjedišta: 7 Ravnice br.16, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska OIB: 42468224821, Račun (IBAN): HR1024020061100690955, Upisana u Registar neprofitnih organizacija 19.3.2014., RNO broj: 0267284, Matični broj: 04180208