The project “5 shades of crisis” is implemented with the aim of strengthening the capacity of application organizations and partners for the development and implementation of activities targeted to local problems, with an emphasis on adaptation to the adverse consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the earthquake that hit Croatia.
The results of the project will contribute to the development of good management of organizations of the civil scoeity and offer new approaches in solving the needs of young people in the local community.
The EU project “5 shades of crisis” was co-financed by the European Union within the Operational Program Effective Human Resources, from the European Social Fund.
Ocean Znanja u Republici Hrvatskoj, Adresa sjedišta: 7 Ravnice br.16, 10000 Zagreb,
Hrvatska OIB: 42468224821, Račun (IBAN): HR1024020061100690955, Upisana u
Registar neprofitnih organizacija 19.3.2014., RNO broj: 0267284, Matični broj: 04180208