Since 2018, Ocean Knowledge is an organisation that hosts volunteers, on long-term and short-term individual volunteering and volunteer teams.

We currently have a quality label run under number 2021-1-HR01-ESC50-094916 and we can host up to 6 long-term volunteers, 2 short-term and 15 people in the volunteer team at the same time.

These are the projects in which we hosted volunteers:

Long-term individual volunteering

Youth Rhythm – 1 volunteer from the Netherlands
You are the EU – 1 volunteer from Ukraine
ACTeen – 1 volunteer from Slovenia
Za društvo se trudi, solidaran budi! – 1 volunteer from Croatia

Short-term individual volunteering

EUfluencer – 8 volunteers from Greece, Italy, Spain and Poland
VolunTEEN – 10 volunteers from Ukraine and Italy

Group volunteering

EPIC (Establishing Peace fon an intercultural community) – 10 volunteers from Croatia in Georgia
TOP (Top of potentials) – 12 volunteers from Germany, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Poland, Italy and Cyprus.

Ocean Znanja u Republici Hrvatskoj, Adresa sjedišta: 7 Ravnice br.16, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska OIB: 42468224821, Račun (IBAN): HR1024020061100690955, Upisana u Registar neprofitnih organizacija 19.3.2014., RNO broj: 0267284, Matični broj: 04180208