Humanity waiting to be used

This week the Invisible Zagreb free walking tour drew my attention. It was led by former homeless person – Mile Mrvalj. With a new and unconventional approach people got informed about contributions in tackling the problems around the city of Zagreb through different eyes. I thank for meeting such a fighter as Mile, because he tried to present the story of city through his life story, and he remained so positive, so full of life…

The homeless are often called “the invisible people “. But they’re all around us, very visible, and yet , to many people only visible out of the corner of the eye. I find it difficult to accept the fact that there are people around us left to their own fragile devices, without support, support that wouldn’t really require much effort and humanity. I was impressed when first met a person who went through a life episode of homelessness. It was a man who had been working and taking care of his family the whole his life. Who was absolutely competent in his work. But who was brought to the edge by circumstances of life. I think an opportunity to hear what it’s like to be in the shoes of an invisible person, to survive day by day, often without a support can be a form of education, having focus on the marginalized people.  It’s more important than the statistics, phenomenology and etiology of homelessness and other insights to this problem. Sincere interest in what we want to change is what changes the world and perspective.
I wonder if those in power are sincerely interested in changing the position of homeless and giving them an opportunity for a decent life. Some are. Some are not. What I know is something coming out of my experience- everyone is capable of effecting change in the lives of these people. I’m convinced of it. And it’s so necessary to awake some humanity sleeping in many of us, waiting to be used.

The project “YOU are the EU” is funded by the Agency for Mobility and EU programmes withing the program European Solidarity Corps.

you are the eu