Solidarity works

Last week I was interviewing the Crosol NGO (Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity). Through the talk I realized how it’s important to learn from the experiences in education, or how education creates social solidarity. Somehow through our conversation I spread the significanse of the formal methods in education because what education does is by instilling a sense of social solidarity in the individual way – which involves a sense of belonging to wider society, a sense of commitment approves the importance of working towards society’s goals and a feeling that it’s kind of peace education. Goals of such education includes teaching people how to manage conflict without violence, respect all forms of life, and even more prominent for me, engaging people in social justice activities. In such way this platform also strives to help young people to appreciate intercultural diversity, to promote education for development and international solidarity.

Because, in the end , why we need solidarity is our desire to embody our mutual care and concern for justice. Solidarity works best when we respect each other’s different needs and life circumstances, understand that there are many ways of being in solidarity, and coordinate our responses.

The project “YOU are the EU” is funded by the Agency for Mobility and EU programmes withing the program European Solidarity Corps.

you are the eu