This publication is the result of the Erasmus+ training course RE-MO-V-E (Resilience, Motivation, Values, Emotions) organized by Ocean Znanja in Croatia on the topics of occupational burnout, motivation, discipline, self-awareness, and self-care.
Aims of the tool
The book/brochure is a 54 pages long summary of experiences and suggestions on how to identify and cope with occupational burnout in the field of international youth work. The aim of the brochure is to serve as a quick and easy tool that will help youth workers or youth identify if they are burned out and how to help themselves.
Description of the tool
The field of international youth work is riddled with many challenges, which require different skills in order to cope with them. The training course RE-MO-V-E (Resilience, Motivation, Values, Emotions) funded by Erasmus+ and organized in Lipik, Croatia by Ocean Znanja u RH brought 36 youth workers from nine different countries (Georgia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, Italy, and Croatia) together so that they can discuss about the topics of occupational burnout, motivation, discipline, self-awareness, and self-care.
One of the important pillars of high-quality youth work, in general, is a stable system of support. In many countries, the system is not well built or it is non-existent which can lead to high stress, professional burnout and lack of motivation to work.
This training had the aim to create an international environment of support for youth workers where they were understood, learned how to take care of their well being, shared their experiences, and learned how other colleagues are dealing with the same obstacles.
The objectives of the training were:
– to equip youth workers with the knowledge and tools to effectively work with youth through developing resilience and proper reactions in (crisis) situations.
– to empower youth workers by promoting self-awareness and self-appreciation and by working on competencies needed to cope with everyday challenges working with youth.
– to develop practical recommendations for minimizing the possibility of occupational burnout.
– to increase participants’ competences to implement and disseminate learning achievements within their youth NGOs and enrich their local youth work.
– to support youth organizations in increasing their capacity to work and cooperate in international projects
The participants of the training course were working together to summarize the collective knowledge that was shared and exchanged during the training course. This book is a collaboration of the organizing team from Ocean Znanja and the participants.
The most valuable results from the training course were compiled into this book that you will have the chance to enjoy. Our hope and wish are that this book may serve as a guidepost or a tool that will remind the readers that their wellbeing is important and that only by taking care of ourselves we can take care of others.