Youth Exchange Report – Employment 4 You(th)
19th-28th of August 2017, Zakopane, Poland
Employment 4 You(th) made us extremely satisfied with those 12 days spent in Poland. We would usually need at least two days after project to sum up our thoughts. Especially if the project was badly organized, but because of it success we can express our thoughts very easy. Starting with the organization and time management, all workshops started on time. We believe it was a sign of respect towards others, and for those who overslept, we would always come up with an imaginary punishment. Moreover, we believe those workshops were very dynamic and inspiring. Mostly because of ambitious and motivating approach of our facilitators Ola and Marcin. They put their souls into making this project very inclusive for everybody.
What we also appreciated is the fact that we had so many opportunities to exchange experiences and to have meaningful conversations with other participants. Furthermore, some of us are law students interested in corporate sector of law. Topics in economy, marketing and business were very interesting and useful for us. Thus to this, we hope that we will have the chance to use this knowledge in the future.
This experience enriched us on a personal level too. We improved many skills, which makes us extremely happy and thankful for participation in this project. As for social activities, there was always very positive energy among everybody, who basically became our friends after a while and made this whole experience even more joyful.
To sum up, we found this experience inspiring, motivating and to some people even life-changing, which is why we would like to encourage young people to participate in Erasmus+ programs in order to gain the very same experience we got! 😉
Volonteri: Jasmina Bošnjak, Jasmina Večerić, Jakov Topolovec, Megi Paus, Ivan Paćin