Razmjena mladih: “Behind the curtain”

“Behind the curtain is a youth exchange during which will be used theater methods as a way of informal learning, boosting imagination and creativity. Participants will also exercise what they learn throughout the puppet
theatre workshops, creating their own puppet theatre play which will be performed to the local community in northern Germany as well as distributed by a web video platform such as YouTube.”

Na razmjeni će sudjelovati 7 različitih EU zemalja: Hrvatska, Italija, Srbija, Španjolska, Cipar, Grčka i Njemačka.

Opće info:

TKO:  svi mladi od 18-30 god.

GDJE: Osterholz-Scharmbeck, okolica Bremena, Njemačka

KADA:  04.09. – 14.09.2019.

TEMA: Europske vrijednosti: poštivanje, sloboda, tolerancija i uključivanje