A thematic exhibition in which we explore the influence of women in our community through two intertwined perspectives: the invisible, everyday one and the one that has been declared exceptional. The question that guides visitors through the exhibition route is how much we recognize these subtle influences when they are woven into the routine of everyday life, social norms and expectations – how much attention do we pay to what is present but invisible?
At the same time, we question how exceptionality is built from the seemingly ordinary, and how much we can recognize exceptional in what is everyday and imperceptible.
The exhibition reveals the delicate links that shape our world, inviting visitors to reflect on the interweaving of these threads – what we value ourselves, and what is determined as exceptional through a social prism.
Through multimedia displays and interactive elements, visitors will pass through the space of everyday life where the visible and the invisible, the ordinary and the extraordinary intertwine, and discover new dimensions of women’s presence and influence in our society.
This exhibition in a public space invites visitors to walk its route together with the authors, as a kind of symbolic journey through the invisible threads that connect our lives. It is inherently invisible, just like many of the contributions we explore – and we invite people to interact and discover these hidden things, learning how the everyday can be just as transformative as what we find extraordinary.
Statement 1: My mom. My rock, my important mother. She had so little, she gave so much. As a little girl I never saw her except as a mother, now that I look at her through my eyes as a mother – she was a rock. She carried us through her difficult life. She went through the sadness of war with us, without us seeing it…
Statement 2: But she is always there and follows me, both as an example of the greatest tenderness, but also of the opposite – which I can’t put into words. Or I don’t want to. It looks too ugly when it’s put on paper. And that’s my mom, and the paper doesn’t allow me to write ugly complaints about her, like the air can bear when I complain. When I imagine her – I feel warmth, and it’s been like that since the early days. And not only because he is almost always rosy-faced. Hugs, laughter and long walks – I love them the most, and I owe that to her. She passed on such precious things to me, which are just being and loving.
Author: Nina Alvir
In 2023, the State of Motherhood report conducted by the Motherly platform shows that mothers face major challenges in maintaining a balance between social life and the demands of motherhood. The results of the research reveal that as many as 51% of mothers stated that they did not go out with their friends or partner without their children in the past month. This data highlights how mothers often put their social needs last, prioritizing rest and family time. The consequences of this situation can be significant, as the lack of social interaction can lead to feelings of isolation and stress among mothers. Providing support through networks and establishing routines that allow mothers to take time for themselves can be critical to their mental health and overall happiness.
Doulas are trained women who provide physical, emotional and informational support to pregnant women and new mothers during labor and the postpartum period. Their role includes helping to prepare for childbirth, breastfeeding counseling and support in adjusting to parenthood. Although they do not replace medical professionals, doulas act as a bridge between the mother and health professionals, empowering women to make informed decisions.
In Croatia, the role of the doula is becoming more and more important. Various organizations offer courses and training for doulas, increasing awareness of their importance. Research shows that the presence of a doula can positively impact the birth experience, reducing anxiety and increasing maternal satisfaction.
Who is the mother figure in your life? Write to us.
The exhibition was organized with the support of KGZ Vladimir Nazor and MO Šestinski dol-Vrhovec, MO Jelenovac, MO Bartol Kašić and MO Ban Keglević as part of the project “Social health?” which is co-financed by the Office for Associations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the European Union as part of the CERV program – “Citizens, Equality, Rights, Values”, and is implemented by the association Ocean of Knowledge and as part of the project “The story of HER”, which is financed from the European Solidarity Corps program, and it is carried out by the volunteers of Ocean of Knowledge.